Adult Employment Services

Basic Services
Basic Services![]()
Basic Services
8401 Gerber Rd. Bldg. A
Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Thursdays* 8:30 am-8:00 pm
- Free walk-in typing and alphanumeric/data entry tests available
- Access to computer, fax, scan, and copy machine
- Employer hiring events
- Current job postings available
- Assistance uploading employment documents
- Community resource information
- Metrix online vocational training
- Resources for veterans and justice involved individuals
- Northstar Digital Library Computer Classes
Click here to see our calendar of events.
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*When the school is not closed for holidays

Individualized Program Case Management:
Individualized Program Case Management:![]()
Individualized Program Case Management:
One-on-one case management with a job coach
Job search assistance
Resume development with your coach
Scholarships for vocational training (determined by WIOA eligibility criteria on a case-by-case basis)
Dislocated Worker Srevices
Attending an orientation is the first step to enrollment
Orientations are held the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month**
10:00* am in-person orientation begins
*Arrive by 9:45 to sign in and ensure you have an active CalJOBS account
or join the
1:00 pm Zoom orientation
**When the school is not closed for holidays
Click here to see a list of other job center sites you can visit.
Find the job center closest to you.